So much of the recent political conventions focused on, and questioned, each party’s plan for the next four years.  It can be frustrating to sort through the hype.  In the end you will make a decision and vote.  Together, we make decisions about our government.   That’s at the heart of what I love about our great, albeit flawed, political system.

But don’t count on either candidate to make your business better.  The phone won’t just start ringing.  The bank account won’t automatically fill up.  YOU are the engine that drives your business.  So…

What’s your plan? 

Can you make your business recession proof?  Can you make money no matter what happens in the economy?  Can you create profits and cash every month?

If you keep doing what you’re doing, what you’ve got is what you’ll get.  Yet, once you change…your thoughts, your actions…you can create a whole new life and a reenergized business.

I suggest that YOU have more impact on your business than the winner of the presidential election.  And I encourage you to seize the opportunity, now not later, to expand your success.  Why not take a full swing, for the adventure, the joy and the possibility of what you, fully focused, could bring to your business and the lives of all involved?

I believe that YOU have what it takes to make a great business.  I offer The Biz Plan Challenge as a way to make your best business a reality.  It’s a program that helps you hold yourself accountable for writing and implementing your own, customized business plan.  And, so much more.  The resonating effects of gaining clarity and committing to aligned action can impact you, your family and your team in powerful ways.

No matter who is in the Whitehouse.  YOU are the president of your life, and your business.  Join us!!  A living, breathing, inspiring business plan helps you get focused, get going and get profitable.

Here is the link to The Challenge page, for more information and to sign up….

And, here is a video of moi, answering some Frequently Asked Questions about The Challenge…

AND, Here’s a recording of my informational webinar!

At Bare Bones Biz, our mission is to expand peace, prosperity and freedom by helping people start, fix and grow extraordinary businesses.